Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac Surgery
The Cardiac Surgery Service, headed by Prof. Dr. med. Stefanos Demertzis, is responsible for the surgical treatment of heart diseases. To ensure full coverage of the Ticino canton territory, it is structured to deal with any urgency or emergency situation on a 24-hour basis, 7 days a week.

Dr. Mirko Muretti

Dr. med. Alberto Pozzoli

Dr. Francesca Toto

Dr. Apostolos Tsantilas
Along with basic cardiac surgery procedures (aortocoronary bypasses, valvular reconstructions/replacements) new cutting-edge techniques were developed such as valvular reconstruction/replacement via mini-thoracotomy, transapical aortic valve implantation, aortocoronary bypass with automatic connector devices and, more recently, via mini-thoracotomy.
Aorta pathology is managed at all levels (replacement, endoprosthesis implantation) also by resorting to complex techniques such as cardiocirculatory arrest and/or the use of ancillary revascularization techniques.
The treatment of atrial fibrillation through targeted ablation of atrial tissue with a probe at -196 °C was recently introduced with success.
Testifying to the ICT’s intention to always be in the forefront, the cardiac surgery service is currently devising a study protocol that features the use of stem cells in the treatment of terminal cardiopathies.
Well aware that the key to excellence lies in the acquisition of the most modern and advanced techniques, cardiac surgery at Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino relies upon professional relations with University centres of international renown (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, D; Universitätsklinik des Saarlandes in Homburg/Saar, D; North Carolina Medical Center, Charlotte, USA; Università La Sapienza, Roma) for the exchange of ideas, projects and researchers.
The staff, trained internationally, includes three highly-esteemed operators, supported by three junior members and two assistants. The latter work on an annual or bi-annual rotation basis, and part of an international training circuit.
We follow some phases of a reconstruction of the mitral valve in the right mini-thoracotomy. (music:
Surgery room
Cardiac Surgery Clinic
Cardiocentro Lugano
Telephone answering times
Monday – Friday: 8:00 – 17:00
Clinic closed on Saturday and Sunday
Our training offert
Via Tesserete 48
CH-6900 Lugano
Cardiac Surgery Service Office
Ms. Chantal Zurfluh
Tel. +41 (0)91 811 51 44
Fax +41 (0)91 811 51 48
Scientific Director